UK Call Centre. Not just another message taking service

Call us now - 01244 355000


Our focus is your business
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Out of hours call outs

We work 365 days a year 24 hours a day 7 days a week linking your customers to your engineers or support team so you don’t have to.

Message taking

In a meeting? Trying to work on an important proposal, or just need an hour out of the office? We’re there to make sure you don’t miss that important call.

Medical and Legal call answering

Need a company familiar with medical and legal terminology? After 22 years dealing with doctors and solicitors you can trust us to get the job done.

Complex process workflow

Simplicity and simple message taking is great but what if your processes just aren’t that simple? Do you think your company is too complex to outsource? Come speak to us, we love challenging workflows and we excel in process design.

Virtual receptionist

Our team can take your messages, handle follow up calls, manage your schedule and keep your clients happy. Your customers will never know that we’re not sat in your office.

Helpdesk support

Helpdesks are often integral to business services. Our experienced team can answer FAQ’s, dispatch engineers, keep your doctors safe with lone working practices and much more.

Other services

We don’t limit our remit to an easily defined list. If you need us to provide a service just ask. You’ll be surprised at what we can accomplish together.


The most important call may be the one you don’t have time to answer. We have you covered.

About Us

Answering for you and to you since 1993. Everything we do revolves around you.
Your business is unique, so are we.

Managing a company and all its individual components can be hard work. It isn’t every day someone asks you to break down exactly what you do into fine detail in order out outsource a process or task. UK Call Centre has the experience to guide you through the process by asking the right questions and developing processes and procedures with you side by side to fine tune the customer experience. 80% of our staff member have been with us for over five years and 70% of our clients over eight. We know that one size does not fit all. Whilst there are some common aspects to all calls, the way you run your company is unique. Most requests can be accommodated and we can work with your systems to present an individual solution to your call handling requirements.

Include your company name and telephone number and we will be in touch